Back2Ski - Skifahren für Wiedereinsteiger
Zurück zum schönen und sicheren Schwung
Nach einer längeren Pause wieder auf Skiern zu stehen, ist für viele eine aufregende, aber auch herausfordernde Erfahrung. Die gute Nachricht: Mit der richtigen Vorbereitung und professioneller Unterstützung kannst du schnell wieder ins Skifahren einsteigen…
Best Learn2Ski destination Flachau
Du träumst davon, das erste Mal auf Skiern zu stehen und mühelos über verschneite Pisten zu gleiten? Dann ist unser Learn2Ski Kurs genau das Richtige für dich!
Fantastic winter holidays in Flachau with fun & pro
When the days get shorter and the temperatures get colder in autumn, excitement for the upcoming winter starts to mount for us and our team.
4 tips and tricks for bad weather
Bad weather can be a real mood killer. So it doesn’t turn into that when you’re on holiday in Flachau, we’ve put together a list of helpful tips and tricks for when the weather’s bad.
Burton Riglet Park – Snowboarding for kids 3–6 years old
Enjoy the brilliant Riglet board from Burton for kids aged 3 and over before you arrive. It has never been easier to learn snowboarding through play. There’s a special area with obstacles and special trails to make little snowboarders’ faces light with excitement. It’s an absolute highlight. These…
Tina’s Tips "My First Ski Course”
Whoo-hoo-hoo, soon we’ll be off on our skiing holiday. Your kids can’t wait to get started, so Tina’s tips might come at just the right time!
Skiing in style
How to ski properly and in style? Correct timing, optimal rhythm and a perfectly smooth flow of movement in line with the globally recognised curriculum of the Austrian ski schools. Elegance, grace and aesthetics are taking back the slopes.
More fun on the mountain with skis or boards
prepared with SAPHIR from MONTANA. Our new service machine from December 2017! Experience the difference
Flachau – ideal starting point for the wide range of biking trails
In winter, thousands of skiers head for the slopes and enjoy the stunning panorama and perfect piste conditions...